Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Perception About.... - Don't Judge

it means equality

Benjamin Mira is a French graphic designer. This equality, anti-racism project above is one of the project that he posted on the his Behance portfolio and the descriptions are in French. This is one of the translation of his description for the works :
Equality is a project to raise awareness of racism among young people. The object comes in 4 cards, and thereby address the subject gradually : - The first emphasizes that the different customs , traditions that separate people . - The second in turn recalls that under this first façade is one body composed the same elements ( skeleton) . - The third reinforces this idea and shows that despite different dreams we all have a heart . - The last few says these reasons among numerous justify our equality. We are all equal !   To affirm this equality , the project specific interest is in handling cards with colored cards . The interchangeability of these leads to imply the lack of importance of color and therefore awareness indifference to skin color ...

Agnes wanat, Spain and Karoline Frau, German made a color chart for black and white, they labeled it ZSW. they claimed their work like this " Between Black and White, a color value system to open close minded perspective. Proactive work in an example of racism day by day"

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